WE MADE IT! And how… 155%! We are so happy and grateful. Because of your help, we can start Nexus, and make this space be. And what that means to us, is big.
A big thanks to our 191 donators! What an amazing feeling to be supported by so many, and to feel that a crowd is believing in us!!!
We now realize even more what the power of a community can be. Knowing we couldn't do this without you. Learning about the value of what we are doing is mirrored in your support.
With Nexus, we will try to make space for ourselves and other makers, and in doing so, give a counterbalance to a professional culture where there is a lack of space and time.
We are so happy and grateful to everyone who supported us financially or otherwise and looking forward to welcoming you into the Nexus space.
Here we are sharing some beautiful quotes from our donators. These encouraging words will help us to build the space with a strong belief in the necessity of its existence.
Besides being grateful to all the donators, we would like to say thanks to Voordekunst for guiding us in the crowdfunding process and Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst for additional support!
Let the journey begin! See you at Platform Nexus soon!
With love,